Cook Home Construction

The purpose of this blog is to share our home construction experience with our family and friends. Glad you stopped by! Check back frequently, as we plan to keep this updated as a journal of our progress.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Our shelters are back!

As many of you know, we have been through several awning/shelter type things. Where we are up on a hill, they are easily taken out by seemingly mild winds. (The wind even picked one up out of the basement area and blew it down the hill, across some trees and into the neighbor's yard!) Since we still have the awning covers, Dwayne decided it would be best to build his own frames, and put the awning covers over them. The guys from CLS came to help and they finished the awnings and more!

Kenny helping Dwayne with the frame for the smaller awning.

The inside of the large tent- I think Dwayne could build his own barn!!

Aaron and Rusty snapping a chalk line on the porch footer before drilling holes for the rebar


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